Community Responsibility
The Yahel Foundation

The Yahel Foundation is committed towards narrowing educational, welfare, health and cultural gaps in Israeli society.
The Yahel Foundation continues a tradition of giving stretching back to the beginning of the 20th century.
Today Yahel Foundation ( still reflects the core values of the Recanati family, whose history of giving started with a commitment to the community of Salonika, Greece - even before their arrival in Palestine in 1935.
Under the guidance of Leon Recanati, Chairman of GlenRock, the Yahel Foundation, aims to narrow social gaps by driving social processes and supporting non-profit organizations that advance welfare, health and education.
לפניית עמותה לקרן לתמיכה, יש לצרף עם הפניה אישורי ניהול תקין, סעיף 46-וניהול חשבון עדכניים, למקרה שוועדת התרומות תמליץ להיענות לפניה. תרומה שתאושר, תועבר בסוף החודש שבו היא נידונה והומלצה.
Science, Health, and Educational Institutions
Over the years, the Yahel Foundation has been involved – jointly and alone – in establishing and encouraging influential institutions such as:

> MadaTech - Israel National Museum of Science, Technology and Space
> Appleseeds Academy - (Tapuach) The Israeli Society for the Advancement of the Information Age
> Keren Lemitlamdim-The Late Leon Recanati Scholarship
> Lahav Executive Education commemorating Daniel Recanati at the Coller School of Management
>The Leon Recanati School of Business Administration at Tel Aviv University
>The School of Business Administration founded by Daniel and Raphael Recanati at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
> Research funds at the Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot and at the Tel Aviv and Haifa Universities
> The Daniel Recanati Hall in the Lorry Lokey Center, adjacent to the Recanati Business School building, at the Tel Aviv University
> The Prof. Dov Chernichovsky Hall in the Department of Health Systems Management at the Ben Gurion University
> The Leon & Mathilde Recanati Auditorium in the Tel Aviv Museum
> The Joshua Rabinovitch Tel Aviv for the Arts-Experimental Theatre and the Movie Project Foundation
> The Recanati-Kop Award for the Entrepreneur Teacher
> Salonika and Greece Jewry Heritage Center in memory of Leon Recanati (1890-1945)

> Israel Cancer Association (Head Office in Beth Mati – In Memory of Mathilde Recanati)
The Hospice Care Unit at Tel HaShomer - Sheba Hospital
> The Recanati Center for Internal Medicine at Belinson Hospital
> National Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured – Recanati Rehabilitation Center in Tel-Aviv
> The Leon Recanati Faculty of Health Sciences for Community Health Professions – Ben Gurion University
> Endowment funds at the Sackler Medical School at the Tel Aviv University

> The Recanati-Kop Award for the Entrepreneur Social Worker
> Beth Avot Leon Recanati – home for the aged in Petah-Tikva (1956-2017)
> Heichal Yehuda Salonica Style Synagogue in Tel Aviv in Memory of Leon Yehuda Recanati
> Support and empowering of underprivileged communities
Today, the Foundation's main focus lies in the following areas:

Keren Lemitlamdim – The Late Leon Recanati Scholarship Fund (since 1939)
Through the Late Leon Recanati Scholarship Fund, the Yahel Foundation offers students of Ethiopian descent, as well as students from a low socio-economic background, an opportunity for a higher education, while also assisting students with special needs. The Foundation offers scholarships annually, with the cooperation of the ISEF Foundation.
Appleseeds Academy (since 2000)
(Tapuah - The Israeli Society for the Advancement of the Information Age)
Established in 2000 by Leon Recanati as a business sector initiative, Appleseeds Academy's vision for Israel is technological equality for all. Appleseeds is an Israeli nonprofit that was founded in 2000 with the aim of bridging Israel's growing Startup Nation to underserved communities in Israel's social and geographic periphery. Appleseeds promotes digital equality in Israel by developing and implementing programs in the areas of technology, employment, and life skills Through its team of 250 professional instructors, Appleseeds works across Israel, from Kiryat Shmona to Eilat, reaching some 80,000 beneficiaries annually.
Main activities: Employment training, technology youth movement (Net@ program), operating Community Knowledge Centers, professional development for teachers, advanced programming courses and advance entrepreneurship skills for youth at risk and elderly.
Madatech (Since 1985)
MadaTech, Israel's National Museum of Science, Technology and Space, Daniel & Mathilde Recanati center is located in Haifa-The historical building of the Technion and hosts over 300,000 visitors annually that are exposed to a variety of activities.
Guests who visit can look, feel, explore and enjoy over 20 exhibitions featuring more than 600 hands-on exhibits, and an open science park donated by Nobel Energy with outdoor exhibits for recreational and fun learning. The visitor can enjoy every summer a large exhibition hall hosting an international exhibition on various scientific topics in an entertaining ambiance.
Madatech's educational center offers yearly to over a thousand school classes and groups an array of state-of the-art laboratories and study areas, in which students can experiment and learn about the forefront of technology and science. In addition, Madatech's "science mobile units" visit Israel's periphery on a daily basis, thus bringing unique scientific experience to many towns and communities.
MadaTech operates 6 demonstration halls and 12 well equipped advanced labs, one of its kind the Adelis maker space and the Wanger Fablab where students can design and produce including forefront 3D printing.
Madatech also operates a Cinematrix-an extraordinary, innovative SMART movie theater that engages all senses simultaneously, and the Lichtman Netrix a self-activated by sensors and movement, virtual and augmented reality experience center.
Educating for Excellence From 2004, the Yahel Foundation supports "Education for Excellence", a non-profit organization that offers children and youth from a disadvantaged background, who possess potential for excellence, an equal opportunity for success. Educating for Excellence identifies children with high individual potential and provides them with a top quality, socially-minded curriculum consisting of 16 weekly hours over the course of 10 years - from 3rd to 12th grade - thus assisting them in reaching their full potential, broadening their horizons, developing their academic capabilities and deepening their social conscience.
Salonika and Greek Jewry Heritage Center in memory of Leon Recanati (1890-1945) (Since 2014)
The heritage center hosts the Salonika and Greek Jewry Heritage Center which is aimed at documenting and preserving the heritage of this abundant community in Salonika and Israel for present and future generations and offers a variety of shows, culture nights and language and general courses dealing with the Salonika and Balkan Jewry. The center funds the Organization for Holocaust Survivors. The center is located at 23 Einstein St., Petach Tikva.
The Recanati-Kop Award for the Entrepreneur Teacher (Since 2003) The Recanati-Kop Award for the Teacher was initiated by a group of business figures who are involved in the community and wish to help initiate new and innovative educational initiatives solutions, encourage teachers' entrepreneurship, improve their image and expose them to other successful initiatives that exist in the education system in Israel. The award has been granted from 2003, 10 entrepreneurs were annually selected by the Award Committee as award winners. Since 2018 the award was adopted and activated by Teachers Education Colleges, The Levinsky Wingate Academy and the Kibbutzim Seminar have adopted the award.

The Israel Cancer Association
The Israel Cancer Association was established in 1952 with the aim of reducing cancer incidence and mortality and enhancing the quality of life of patients.
Mati Recanati served on the Friend of the ICA and initiated various projects as the Hospice at Tel Hashomer Hospital and established a fund to help the cancer patients in need and provide them with medicine and services which were not provided by the health system. Leon serves from 1988 on the board of the ICA and is Vice Chairman. He and his sister Judith contribute to Keren MATI.
The Recanati Center for Internal Medicine at Belinson hospital.
The center and 37 inner hospital beds has a day care unit and provides academic and research activities, especially PET research, in collaboration with the NIH, Beit Israel and Mount Sinai Hospital.
The National Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured- Recanati Rehabilitation Center in Tel Aviv
The National Institute of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation is a public non-profit organization dedicated to the neuropsychological and psychosocial rehabilitation of brain-injured army veterans and civilians, and to the support of their families.
The Leon Recanati Faculty of Health Sciences for Community Health Professions Ben Gurion University
One of the leading schools for community health profession. A contribution to name an auditorium in the Medical Simulation Building for Dov Chernichovsky z”l, who was a world reknown expert in health economics.
Endowment funds at the Sackler Medical School at the Tel Aviv University
Endowment funds for medical research which are active in encouraging advanced research in Medicine. Every year they fund new basic research projects initiatives.
Hechal Yehuda Salonica Synagogue in memory of Leon Yehuda Recanati (since 1980)
The Synagogue was built in Tel Aviv for the Salonica community and is affiliated with Orthodox Judaism.
Beth Avot Leon Recanati – home for the aged (1956-2017)
In 2017 the institution was sold to the Moriah Group. Beth Avot Leon Recanati – home for the aged, was established in 1956 by the Salonika community headed by the Recanati and the Carasso familes in order to serve the aging adults in their late years "Vehadrta Pnie Zaken" and was mostly populated by Ladino speaking elderly of Balkan and Turkish descent, some of which are Holocaust survivors. The Beth Avot Leon Recanati has 163 rooms situated in 7 buildings and can house approximately 200 residents, while also operating a nursing department for the disabled.
Children At-Risk
The Yahel Foundation assists children at-risk who are not enrolled in educational facilities and/or suffer from abuse. The Yahel Foundation supports the Ziv Neurim Foundation, which empowers children and youth through seamanship lessons, as well as Elem's "Beit Amiti", a care-center for girls who suffered sexual abuse.
The Ethiopian Community in Israel (since 1990)
The Yahel Foundation wishes to empower the Ethiopian Community in Israel through educational programs for school children in Gedera and Yavne, Scholarships dispersed amongst Israel's leading Academic institutions and employment opportunities for adults in cooperation with "Olim Together". In cooperation with Shatil, the Yahel Foundation trains and qualifies Amharic-speaking instructors for group leadership within the Ethiopian community, with aim to reduce the levels of domestic and youth violence.
Young Communities (2005-2018)
The Yahel Foundation supports 4 communities comprised of young idealists that reside within disadvantaged populations throughout Israel, thereby helping them acquire educational, social and vocational skills. We support the "Tikun" community in Migdal Ha'emek and Nazereth Illit, the "Friends by Nature" community in Gedera and Yavne, the "Tor Bamidbar" community in Beer Sheva and the "Gareinay Amanuiot" community in Afula.
The Recanati-Kop Award for the Entrepreneur Social Worker (2003-2018)
The Recanati-Kop Award for the Entrepreneur Social Worker was initiated by a group of business figures who are involved in the community and wish to help initiate new and innovative social solutions, encourage social work entrepreneurship, support social workers in the field, improve their image and expose them to other successful initiatives that exist in Israeli society.
The award has been granted 2005 until 2018 , 3-5 entrepreneurs were annually selected by the Award Committee as award winners.
The Yahel Foundation supports Natal – the Israel trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War, Lilach Society, Centers for disadvantaged children in Tel Aviv and organizations with a welfare-health-education agenda: Akim, Alut, Ilan, Variety, Orr Shalom, Israeli Rett Syndrome Center, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Israel, ISRA.L.S, First Druze Hi-Tech Accelerator Program, Migdalor preparatory program (Mechinah) and Nalaga'at Center.